Fast track your business with ease & be 10 steps in front of everyone else.

Discover where you're at, where you want to go & the steps to get there!

Together we'll discuss your customised strategy so that you can achieve those dreams according to how YOU envision it-
not how everyone else says you "should" be operating your business.

Let's do it your way.

What you'll get:
- 4 Hour 1:1 deep mentoring
- Slack Support for following week
- Strategy & Implementation Tools
- Bonus 30 min accountability session 30 days later

Investment is $2222 USD upfront
or payment options available.

(The VIP experience is for ANY business woman, not just salon owners)

Let’s get started!

Ready to expand to the next level of growth, not just in business but spiritually and personally? 

You've been doing great on your own, but you know there is HUGE potential to be reached & having me in close proximity will do just that.

Expansion is for ANY business woman (you do not need to own a salon) & will have you break thru any limiting beliefs that are stopping you from being your authentic self & will guide you to creating a life full of abundance & freedom. 

What you'll get:
- 6 month Commitment
- 90 min Private call per month
- Unlimited Slack 

Investment is 12,000 USD Upfront
or payment options available.

Only complete the application below if you are serious about growth & evolution. 

Apply Here!

 For the woman who knows how unstoppable she becomes with long term mentorship.

It's no longer just about making money - you're ready to create a legacy & long term wealth.

You are self led & loves the idea of doing business & life with a mentor who continually says to her, "dream bigger."

With all access to me, this 12 month private container is bound to unlock all the magic you have inside. 

What you'll get inside:
- 12 month commitment
- 3 x 90 min Private Calls per month
- Unlimited Slack
- VIP discount to upcoming programs/retreats

The investment is $29,000 USD Upfront
or payment options available.

Only complete the application below if you are serious about growth & evolution. 

Apply here!

If you have any questions about these offers please email the team at or head to @theaccordingtoannie on Instagram and DM Annie!